Bar Chart Race

Let industries, influencers or competitors compete against each other in the social media race.

Bar Chart Race

The Fanpage Karma bar chart race generator is not only fun, but also helps you understand how your social media profiles or pages developed over a given time period.

With this tool, you can quickly generate an animated bar chart race of your selected social media profiles whether they are Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, etc. Once you have selected your profiles, you should also indicate what timeframe you are interested in.

When you have entered all the relevant information, sit back and find out which profile won the race.

Best of all... You can try the Bar Chart Race for Free

With the Fanpage Karma animated bar chart race, you can create as many races as you like. What makes this even better is that you can try bar chart race maker for free as often as you would like.

Want to Improve your Social Media Performance?

If the bar chart race has you interested in gaining other insights into social media performance, you can try out Fanpage Karma for yourself with our free 14-day trial.

Fanpage Karma also offers free webinars where we show you all the ways you can use our tool to optimize your social media profiles.