Each network has its own KPIs. Use cross-network KIPS to use profiles from different networks together in dashboards or graphs. Pay attention to the description of the KPI. We display the data from the official APIs. Unfortunately, the networks do not guarantee equality of data between API and app, so there may be slight discrepancies.

Average age
Available for
The average age of followers (Instagram) or people reached (Facebook) of the profile
Average female age
Available for
The average age of female followers (Instagram) or female people reached (Facebook) of the profile
Average male age
Available for
The average age of male followers (Instagram) or male people reached (Facebook) of the profile
Click-through rate (CTR)
Available for

Average number of clicks on links found in posts divided by reach of link posts


This metric shows how often a link in the posts is clicked and, accordingly, the extent that the link's content convinces the followers to follow it.


For each link post, the number of clicks is divided by its reach. These results are added together and divided by the number of link posts.

Daily Reach (total)
Available for
Number of people in the selected period who had any content of your Page or about your Page enter their screen. - This is an unique KPI, same events are counted only once per visitor, with Fanpage Karma at most once per day. This gives you a good impression of the daily activities. In the network, the period can refer to other periods and is then not comparable.
Available for

Average interactions on posts per follower per day


Engagement shows how successfully a profile encourages users to interact. Since all underlying data is public and interactions are normalized to the number of fans, you can use this metric to compare the success of profiles of different sizes as well as your competitors.

Engagement is closely related to the interaction rate of your posts. The post interaction rate is the number of interactions divided by the number of followers. Importantly, the average is formed per post and not, as is the case with engagement, on a per day basis. Therefore, engagement is positively influenced when a profile posts more often, but the interaction rate for posts is not. Engagement shows the effectiveness of the profile while the post interaction rate shows the quality of the posts. If engagement is low but the post interaction rate is high, then the profile should post more often to make more use of their high-quality posts.


To calculate this number, you simply add up the number of interactions for each post (e.g. likes, hearts, haha, ​​etc.) as well as comments, shares, and retweets. For each post, divide the sum of interactions by the number of followers at the time of the post. Then add together the values ​​of all posts. Finally, this sum is divided by the number of days in the given period.


A profile makes 2 posts in 7 days, for instance, a post on Monday that gets 50 likes and a post on Friday that gets 75 likes. The profile had 100 followers on Monday and 150 followers on Friday.

The engagement for this week (7 days) is calculated as follows:

(50/100 + 75/150) / 7 = 14.2%


In order to be able to accurately calculate this metric, the number of followers for each day in the given period must be available in our database. If a profile was newly added, this data may not yet exist.

Instagram transmits only organic interactions for competitor profiles. For all other networks, interactions include both paid and organic totals

Available for

Number of users who have followed or liked the profile or channel.

The number of fans or followers shows how large and well-known a profile is as well as how high its organic reach can be. Overall fan count is not recommended as an indicator of success. Rather, we recommend using engagement, reach, or growth instead.

This metric is provided daily by the networks. If you select a specific period, the number of fans on the last day of the period is displayed.

For Facebook Pages with the "new page version," this number corresponds to the number of followers if they no longer have a fans metric.
Facebook only shows the estimated number of fans and followers on the website in order to load the page faster. Fanpage Karma receives the data from the official data source and shows the exact number. However, Facebook sometimes corrects this number at a later time.
Facebook also shows the global total number of fans on the website for regional pages. In this case, Fanpage Karma shows the exact number of fans for the selected regional profile, provided Facebook makes this data available.
Please note that YouTube rounds the number of subscribers for competitor profiles.

Follower Growth (absolute)
Available for

Increase or decrease in the number of followers or fans in the selected period


An increase in followers can be an indicator of a healthy profile. We recommend focusing on the growth percentage rather than absolute growth since this allows you to compare profiles of different sizes.


The number of fans/followers at the beginning of the selected period will be deducted from the number at the end of the period. This gives you absolute growth.


In order to calculate this metric, the number of followers for the beginning of the period must be available in our database. If a profile has been newly added, this data may not be available.

Follower Growth (in %)
Available for

Percent change in the number of followers or fans in the selected period


An increase in followers can be an indicator of a healthy profile. By using this metric, you can compare profiles of different sizes. However, larger profiles usually do not grow at the same rate as much smaller ones.


The number of fans/followers at the beginning of the selected period will be deducted from the number at the end of the given period. This calculation gives you absolute growth. Then the number is divided by the number at the beginning of the calculation and you get the percentage increase (or decrease) since the beginning of the given period.


In order to calculate this metric, the number of followers for the beginning of the period must be available in our database. If a profile has been newly added, this data may not be available.

Follower Growth Average Weekly (in %)
Available for
Difference between the number of fans on the first and the last day of the selected period as an average weekly value.
Available for

“Follows” measures the number of users who follow an account or page on social networks.

Available for

Total number of times users have viewed your profile's posts, profile page, ads, stories, etc. In contrast to reach, impressions are also counted when users have seen content several times. This metric is total on Facebook and Instagram, and organic on LinkedIn.


Impressions, by definition, are greater than reach. This metric can be used to present higher numbers. If the impressions are significantly higher than the reach, this means that the same people are always reached with the content.


The metric is made available by the networks on a daily basis and summed up.

Impressions of posts
Available for

Sum of total impressions of all posts posted during the selected period.


Use this number to find out how many times all posts have been viewed in total.


The total impressions are added together for all posts in the specified period. It doesn't matter when the impressions happened. It counts when the post was posted.

Impressions per post
Available for

Indicates the number of times, on average, a post has been viewed. It is possible that some users may have seen the post more than once


This key figure shows you how often the posts published in the selected period were played. If the impressions are much higher than the reach, this means that many posts are shown to the same people multiple times.


The sum represents the impressions of all posts provided directly by the network and is divided by the number of posts. It doesn't matter when the impressions were made. It counts when a post was posted.

Interactions per impression
Available for

Average number of likes, comments, shares, etc. per impression of a post.


This is the best metric to measure and compare the quality of your profile’s posts. The number of interactions is a very good indicator of a post's reception by users. Dividing by impressions allows you to better compare posts that have received different levels of impressions. It is widely believed that interactions per impression is one of the decisive criteria for the networks to display a post more frequently.


For each post, the number of interactions is divided by its impressions. These results are added together and divided by the number of posts.

Interactions per reach per post
Available for
Average number of interactions per post in relation to the number of users who have seen these posts.
Number of Likes
Available for
Average number of "like" reactions on posts published in the selected period.
Number of Reactions, Comments & Shares
Available for

This number is the sum of public accessible interactions (likes, hearts, reactions, comments, pins, shares etc.) of all posts in the selected period.


This metric shows you how actively people have interacted with a profile's posts. More interactions lead to higher visibility of the content and is the most important driver for organic reach.


Sum of likes, hearts, reactions, comments, and shares of all posts in the selected period. In order to make this metric comparable to competitor profiles, only public accessible interactions are taken into account.


Instagram only transmits organic interactions for competitor profiles. For all other networks, interactions include both paid and organic totals.

On Instagram only likes and comments are publicy available.

Clicks on links do not count towards interactions.

Number of comments
Available for

Number of comments on posts, videos, tweets, pins, etc.


Comments give a better indication of whether a post actually appeals to users, since creating a comment takes significantly more effort than a simple like. Unfortunately, most of the comments on Instagram are not made by real people but by bots.


All comments added together.


Instagram only transmits organic interactions for competitor profiles. For all other networks, interactions include both paid and organic totals.

Number of posts
Available for

Sum of posts, videos, tweets, pins, etc. published in the selected period.


This metric provides you with a good overview of profiles' content output. This metric can be used to present higher numbers. If you want to compare time periods, use posts per day because you can use it to compare time periods of different lengths.


All posts, videos, reels, pins etc are added together.


Stories on Instagram and user posts on Facebook do not count as posts and have their own code. Reels on Instagram are normal posts and count towards this metric.
Retweets on Twitter count towards this metric.

Organic impressions of posts
Available for

Sum of organic impressions of all posts posted during the selected period.


Use this number to find out how many times all posts have been viewed organically.


The organic impressions are added together for all posts in the specified period. It doesn't matter when the impressions happened. It counts when the post was posted.

Page Performance Index
Available for

Page Performance Index (PPI) is a metric used to measure a social media profile's performance based on growth and engagement. This is measured on a scale of 0 and 100 percent. The higher the value, the better.


This key figure is suitable for comparing the success of your profiles with competitor profiles because it is based on public metrics and is available for all types of profiles.


A profile's growth and engagement metrics are compared to over a million profiles in our database. If the profile is in the top 10% of profiles for both growth and engagement, it gets a PPI of 100%.
The exact calculation works as follows: First, the growth success is calculated which is the percentage growth of the profile divided by the percentage growth of the top 10% of profiles of similar size in our database. Then engagement success is calculated, which is the engagement value of the profile divided by the engagement of the top 10% of similarly sized profiles in our database. The two values ​​(growth and engagement success) are multiplied together and the root of the result is taken and divided by 100. This gives the Page Performance Index as a number between 0 and 100 percent.


In order to calculate this metric, the number of followers for the beginning of the period must be available in our database. If a profile has been newly added, this data may not be available.

Paid impressions of posts
Available for

Sum of paid impressions of all posts posted during the selected period.


Use this number to find out how many times all paid posts have been viewed.


The paid impressions are added together for all posts in the specified period. It doesn't matter when the impressions happened. It counts when the post was posted.

Performance Score
Available for

The Fanpage Karma Performance Score is a metric that measures the overall performance of a social media profile.


The Performance Score is a useful tool to determine the effectiveness of your social media profiles compared to other profiles since it compares your profiles to real averages of other profiles, which are not public and, therefore, cannot usually be directly compared.


The performance score is calculated as the average of seven key metrics: growth, posts per day, interactions, daily reach, interactions per reach, click-through rate, and profile views. In order to achieve 100% in the performance score, the profile must be in the top 10% of all profiles in our database in its size class on every metric.

Post interaction rate
Available for

Average interactions on posts per follower per post


The post interaction rate shows how successful each post is in getting users to engage with it. With this metric, you can compare the quality of posts from profiles of all sizes.


You add up the number of interactions for each post. Interactions can be likes, hearts, haha, ​​etc., as well as comments, shares, or retweets. For each post, divide the sum of interactions by the number of followers at the time of the post. Then you add together the values ​​of all posts. Finally, divide by the number of posts in the given period.

An example of the calculation:

A profile makes 2 posts in 7 days. A post on Monday gets 50 likes and a post on Friday gets 75 likes. The profile had 100 followers on Monday and 150 followers on Friday.

The post interaction (2 posts) results in:

(50/100 + 75/150) / 2 = 50%


In order to calculate this metric, the number of followers for each day in the period must be available in our database. If a profile has been newly added, this data may not be available.

Instagram only transmits organic interactions for competitor profiles. For all other networks, interactions include both paid and organic totals

Posts per day
Available for

Average number of posts, videos, tweets, pins, etc. per day


This metric provides you with a good overview profiles' content output. This metric is useful if you want to present high overall totals. If you want to compare time periods, use posts per day since this allows you to compare time periods of different lengths.


All posts, videos, reels, pins etc are added together.


Stories on Instagram and user posts on Facebook do not count as posts and have their own code. Reels on Instagram are normal posts and count towards this figure.
Retweets on Twitter count towards this figure.

Profile Views
Available for

Number of views of your profile


The average profile views are a good indicator of the level of interest in your profile. But don't be alarmed, this number is usually very small.


The number of all profile views per day is transmitted by the network and a total is calculated for the given period

Profile views per day
Available for

Average number of views of the profile page per day


The average profile views are a helpful indicator of the level of interest in your profile. Please note that this number is usually very low.


The sum of profile views is provided is provided directly by the network and is divided by the number of days in the selected period.

Reach per day
Available for

Average number of people who viewed content from, or about, your profile per day. This may have happened through posts, advertisements, or profile views.


This is the best metric to measure reach. It shows you how many people your profile reaches with its content and page views. Because it's calculated as a daily average, it's very well suited for comparing time periods of different lengths, such as February and March. It is also ensures that no double counting occurs.


The sum of the daily reach is provided directly by the network and is divided by the number of days in the selected period.

The average daily reach cannot be added up to get the monthly reach because someone who interacts with the page each day would then be counted multiple times. If you would like to present an higher monthly total, then use impressions instead. You can add up impressions which will reflect a number higher than reach.

Reach per follower per day
Available for

Number of people who had contact with a profile's content per day (whether through posts, advertising. or profile views) divided by the number of followers on the profile.


This metric is ideal for comparing the reach among your own profiles, regardless of the number of followers of the respective profile.


The daily reach, which is provided directly by the network, is divided by the number of followers and the number of days in the selected period.

Reach per follower per post
Available for

Number of people who have seen a profile's posts per day in relation to their number of followers.


This metric is ideal for comparing the reach, and thus the success, of the posts from your different profiles, regardless of the number of followers of the respective profiles.


For each post, the reach is divided by the number of followers on the profile. These results are added together and divided by the number of posts.

Reach per post
Available for

Average number of people who saw one of your posts across paid, organic, and viral distribution channels.


A high post reach is a good indicator that your posts are shared often and, thus, reach more people. If you know the reach per post of a profile, you can quickly determine which posts have performed particularly well or poorly.


The sum represents the reach of all posts, provided directly by the network, and is divided by the number of posts. It doesn't matter when the view was created. It counts when a post was posted.

Share of females
Available for
Share of female followers (Instagram) or female people reached (Facebook)
Share of males
Available for
Share of male followers (Instagram) or male people reached (Facebook)
Summed up organic reach of posts
Available for

Sum of the organic reach of all posts that were posted in the selected period.


Be careful when relying on this number to figure out how many people saw posts organically. The sum of the reach of posts can be higher than the daily reach due to double counting.


The organic reach is added up for all posts in the specified period. It doesn't matter when the view happened. It counts when the post was posted.


Adding up reach values can result in people being counted twice if they have viewed several posts. It is better to use the metrics reach per day or reach per post if you don’t absolutely need the organic reach.

Summed up paid reach of posts
Available for

Sum of the paid reach of all posts that were posted in the selected period.


Be careful when relying on this number to figure out how many people saw posts because of ads or boosts. This is because the sum of the reach of posts can be higher than the daily reach due to double counting.


The paid reach is added up for all posts in the specified period. It doesn't matter when the view happened. It counts when the post was posted.


Adding up reach values can result in people being counted twice if they have viewed several posts. It is better to use the metrics reach per day or reach per post if you don’t absolutely need the paid reach.

Summed up reach of posts
Available for

Sum of the total reach of all posts that were posted in the selected period.


Be careful when relying on this number to figure out how many people saw posts. The sum of the reach of posts is likely to be higher than the daily reach due to double counting.


The paid reach is added up for all posts in the specified period. It doesn't matter when the view happened. It counts when the post was posted.


Adding up reach values can result in people being counted twice if they have viewed several posts. It is better to use the metrics reach per day or reach per post. You can also better use these metrics for comparison with other profiles. If you want a high overall total, then use impressions of the posts.

Available for

“Unfollows” measures the number of users who no longer follow an account or page on social networks. It indicates decreasing interest or dissatisfaction with the content.

Available for
Number of posts in URL format published in the selected period.
Picture Posts
Available for
Number of posts in picture format published in the selected period.
Posts by fans
Available for
Number of user posts published in the selected period.
Posts by fans with comment by page
Available for
Number of user posts published in selected period and which the Page responded to.
Posts by fans with reaction of page
Available for
Number of user posts published in the selected period and the Page reacted (like, love, haha, wow, sad, angry) to.
User posts per day
Available for
Average number of user posts per day in the selected period.
Available for
Number of Facebook videos (posts in video format) published in the selected period.
Angry per post
Available for
Average number of "angry" reactions on posts published in the selected period.
Care per post
Available for
Average number of "care" reactions on posts published in the selected period.
Comments on posts by fans
Available for
Number of comments on user posts published in the selected period.
Comments per post
Available for
Average number of comments on posts published in the selected period.
Haha per post
Available for
Average number of "haha" reactions on posts published in the selected period.
Likes per post
Available for
Average number of "like" reactions on posts published in the selected period.
Love per post
Available for
Average number of "love" reactions on posts published in the selected period.
Number of Angry
Available for
Number of "angry" reactions on posts published in the selected period.
Number of Care
Available for
Number of "care" reactions on posts published in the selected period.
Number of Comments (primary)
Available for
Number of comments on posts excluding comments on these comments published in the selected period.
Number of Comments (secondary)
Available for
Number of sub-comments on comments posts published in the selected period.
Number of Haha
Available for
Number of "haha" reactions on posts published in the selected period.
Number of Love
Available for
Number of "love" reactions on posts published in the selected period.
Number of Reactions
Available for
Number of reactions (like, love, haha, thankful, wow, sad, angry) on posts published in the selected period.
Number of Sad
Available for
Number of "sad" reactions on posts published in the selected period.
Number of Shares
Available for
Number of shares of posts published in the selected period.
Number of Thankful
Available for
Number of "thankful" reactions on posts published in the selected period.
Number of Wow
Available for
Number of "wow" reactions on posts published in the selected period.
Post engagements
Available for
The number of times people have engaged with your posts through reactions, comments, shares and more in the selected period.
Post engagments per day
Available for
The number of times people have engaged with your posts through reactions, comments, shares and more in the selected period divided by the number of days.
Reactions per post
Available for
Average number of reactions on posts published in the selected period.
Sad per post
Available for
Average number of "sad" reactions on posts published in the selected period.
Shares per post
Available for
Average number of shares of posts published in the selected period.
Thankful per post
Available for
Average number of "thankful" reactions on posts published in the selected period.
User posts total Reactions, Comments, Shares
Available for
Number of interactions on user posts published in the selected period.
Weighted Engagement
Available for
See Engagement, shares are weighted 3x, comments 2x and likes are just count as usual.
Weighted Post-Interaction
Available for
See Post-Interaction, shares are weighted 3x, comments are 2x and likes are just count as usual.
Wow per post
Available for
Average number of "wow" reactions on posts published in the selected period.
Follower Growth per day (absolute)
Available for
Difference between the number of fans on the first and the last day of the selected period as an average value per day.
Follower Growth since starting point (in %)
Available for
Percentage growth of fans between the first and last day of the selected period. Reflects the difference from the first day of the selected period for each day in the history graph.
Ad-Value (USD)
Available for
A value that is determined from the estimated reach of the posts and an average price for online advertising (CPM_cost per impression), depending on the selected period.

It indicates how much money one would have to spend on classic online advertising to reach as many people as with Facebook posts. An average CPM of €12.00 is applied and this is multiplied by the estimated reach.

Note: For your own page you can set the CPM for different types of posts yourself.

The advertising value is therefore not proportionally dependent on the number of fans but on the engagement.
Average age of female page fans (discontinued)
Available for
! This metric was removed by Facebook in March 2024. Use "Average age of female people reached" instead.
The average age of female fans of the Page.
Average age of female people engaged (discontinued)
Available for
! This metric was removed by Facebook in March 2024. Use "Average age of female people reached" instead.
The average age of female people talking about the Page.
Average age of male page fans (discontinued)
Available for
! This metric was removed by Facebook in March 2024. Use "Average age of male people reached" instead.
The average age of male fans of the Page.
Average age of male people engaged (discontinued)
Available for
! This metric was removed by Facebook in March 2024. Use "Average age of male people reached" instead.
The average age of male people talking about the Page.
Average age of page fans (discontinued)
Available for
! This metric was removed by Facebook in March 2024. Use "Average age of people reached" instead.
The average age of fans of the Page.
Average age of people engaged (discontinued)
Available for
! This metric was removed by Facebook in March 2024. Use "Average age of people reached" instead.
The average age of people talking about the Page.
Available for
Number of users on the last day of the selected period who follow the Pages posts.
Response time
Available for
Describes how long a Page needs to respond to user posts. For this value, we only take into account when a Page makes a comment on a user post. This is mainly because Facebook does not provide time values for likes and shares. We first calculate the Response Time for each user post and then take the median of all posts for the selected period. The median is the value, that is exactly in the middle of all values, when you rank them.
Service Level
Available for
Number of responses of the Page on user posts published in the selected period on the Page-wall. Reactions include Likes, comments and deletes. Interactions of the Page on posts published by the Page are not counted.
Share of female page fans (discontinued)
Available for
! This metric was removed by Facebook in March 2024. Use "Share of female people reached" instead.
Share of Fans, who are female.
Share of female people engaged (discontinued)
Available for
! This metric was removed by Facebook in March 2024. Use "Share of female people reached" instead.
Share of people talking about the Page, who are female.
Share of male page fans (discontinued)
Available for
! This metric was removed by Facebook in March 2024. Use "Share of male people reached" instead.
Share of Fans, who are male.
Share of male people engaged (discontinued)
Available for
! This metric was removed by Facebook in March 2024. Use "Share of male people reached" instead.
Share of people talking about the Page, who are male.
Reach / Impressions
Average daily Reach (organic)
Available for
Average number of people in the selected period who had any content of your Page or about your Page enter their screen through unpaid distribution, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Average daily Reach (organic) per fan
Available for
Average number of people in the selected period per fan who had any content of your Page or about your Page enter their screen through unpaid distribution, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Average daily Reach (paid)
Available for
Average number of people in the selected period who had any content of your Page or about your Page enter their screen through paid distribution such as an ad, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Average daily Reach (paid) per fan
Available for
Average number of people in the selected period per fan who saw any content of or through your page via paid distribution, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Average daily Reach (total)
Available for
Average number of people in the selected period who had any content of your Page or about your Page enter their screen, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Average daily Reach (viral)
Available for
Average number of people in the selected period who had any content of your Page or about your Page enter their screen with social information attached, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Average daily Reach (viral) per fan
Available for
Average number of people in the selected period per fan who had any content of your Page or about your Page enter their screen with social information attached, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Average daily Reach per fan (total)
Available for
Average number of people in the selected period per fan who had any content of your Page or about your Page enter their screen, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Average reach of single posts
Available for
Average number of people who had any of your posts published in the selected period enter their screen, divided by the number of posts in the selected period. Posts include statuses, photos, links and videos.
Daily Reach (organic)
Available for
Number of people in the selected period who had any content of your Page or about your Page enter their screen through unpaid distribution.
Daily Reach (paid)
Available for
Number of people in the selected period who had any content of your Page or about your Page enter their screen through paid distribution such as an ad.
Daily Reach (viral)
Available for
Number of people in the selected period who had any content of your Page or about your Page enter their screen with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with your Page, post or story.
Fans engaged with posts
Available for
Fans who engaged with at least one of your posts published in the selected period.
Fans engaged with posts per day
Available for
Average number of fans with interactions with posts published in the selected period, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Fans engaged with posts per post
Available for
Average number of fans with interactions with posts published in the selected period, divided by the number of posts in the selected period.
Page views per day
Available for
Average number of times in the selected period a Page has been viewed by logged in and logged out people, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
People Engaged (discontinued)
Available for
! This metric was removed by Facebook in March 2024.
Number of people who clicked anywhere on your Page in the selected period.
Persons with interaction per day (discontinued)
Available for
! This metric was removed by Facebook in March 2024.
Number of people who clicked anywhere on your Page in the selected period, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Persons with interaction per reached person per day (discontinued)
Available for
! This metric was removed by Facebook in March 2024.
Average number of people per reach person who clicked anywhere on your Page in the selected period, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Post impressions
Available for
Number of times in the selected period your posts entered a person's screen.
Post impressions per day
Available for
Average number of times in the selected period your posts entered a person's screen, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Post impressions per fan per day
Available for
Average number of times in the selected period per fan your post entered a person's screen, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Post impressions per post per fan
Available for
Average number of times in the selected period per post your posts entered a person's screen, divided by the daily number of fans in the selected period.
Post impressions to fans
Available for
Number of post impressions in the selected period of posts by fans.
Post impressions to fans (paid)
Available for
Number of post impressions in the selected period of posts by people who like your Page in an ad or sponsored story.
Post impressions to fans (paid) per day
Available for
Average number of post impressions in the selected period by people who like your Page in an ad or sponsored story, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Post impressions to fans (paid) per post
Available for
Average number of post impressions in the selected period by people who like your Page in an ad or sponsored story, divided by the number of posts in the selected period.
Post impressions to fans per day
Available for
Average number of post impressions in the selected period by fans, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Post impressions to fans per post
Available for
Average number of post impressions in the selected period by fans, divided by the number of posts in the selected period.
Post reach
Available for
Number of people in the selected period who had any of your posts enter their screen.
Post reach (organic)
Available for
Number of people in the selected period who had any of your posts enter their screen through unpaid distribution.
Post reach (organic) per day
Available for
Average number of people in the selected period who had any of your posts enter their screen through unpaid distribution, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Post reach (organic) per fan per day
Available for
Average number of people in the selected period per fan who had any of your posts enter their screen through unpaid distribution, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Post reach (organic) per post per fan
Available for
Average number of people in the selected period who had any of your posts enter their screen through unpaid distribution, divided by the daily number of fans in the selected period.
Post reach (paid)
Available for
Number of people in the selected period who had any of your posts enter their screen through paid distribution such as an ad.
Post reach (paid) per day
Available for
Average number of people in the selected period who had any of your posts enter their screen through paid distribution such as an ad, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Post reach (paid) per fan per day
Available for
Average number of people in the selected period per fan who had any of your posts enter their screen through paid distribution such as an ad, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Post reach (paid) per post per fan
Available for
Average number of people in the selected period per post who had any of your posts enter their screen through paid distribution such as an ad, divided by the daily number of fans in the selected period.
Post reach (viral)
Available for
Number of people in the selected period who had any of your posts enter their screen with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with your Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page, and checks into your Page.
Post reach (viral) per day
Available for
Average number of people in the selected period who had any of your posts enter their screen with social information attached, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Post reach (viral) per fan per day
Available for
Number of people who had any of your Fanpage posts enter their screen with social information attached, divided by the daily number of fans per day.
Post reach (viral) per post per fan
Available for
Average number of people in the selected period per fan who had any of your posts enter their screen with social information attached, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Post reach of fans
Available for
Number of fans in the selected period who had any of your posts enter their screen.
Post reach of fans per day
Available for
Average number of fans in the selected period who had any of your posts enter their screen, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Post reach of fans per post
Available for
Average number of fans in the selected period who had any of your posts enter their screen, divided by the number of posts in the selected period.
Post reach per day
Available for
Average number of people in the selected period who had any of your posts enter their screen, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Post reach per fan per day
Available for
Average number of people in the selected period who had any of your posts enter their screen, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Post reach per post per fan
Available for
Average number of people in the selected period who had any of your posts enter their screen, divided by the daily number of fans in the selected period.
Post reach to fans
Available for
Number of fans in the selected period who had any of your posts enter their screen.
Post reach to fans (paid)
Available for
Number of fans in the selected period who had any of your posts enter their screen through an ad or Sponsored Story.
Post reach to fans (paid) per day
Available for
Average number of people in the selected period who had any of your posts enter their screen through an ad or Sponsored Story, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Post reach to fans (paid) per post
Available for
Average number of people in the selected period who had any of your posts enter their screen through an ad or Sponsored Story, divided by the number of posts in the selected period.
Post reach to fans per day
Available for
Average number of fans in the selected period who had any of your posts enter their screen, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Post reach to fans per post
Available for
Average number of fans in the selected period who had any of your posts enter their screen, divided by the number of posts in the selected period.
Sum of reach (viral) of single posts
Available for
Number of people who had any of your posts published in the selected period enter their screen with social information attached.
Sum of viral impressions of single posts
Available for
Number of times your posts published in the selected period entered a person's screen through viral distribution. Posts include statuses, photos, links and videos.
Total impressions (total) per day
Available for
Average number of times in the selected period any content of your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Total impressions (total) per fan per day
Available for
Number of times any content from your Fanpage or about your Fanpage entered a person's screen, divided by the daily number of fans in the selected period per day.
Negative Feedback
Available for
Number of times people took a negative action on one of your posts published in the selected period (e.g. hid it).
Negative Feedback per day
Available for
Average number of times people took a negative action on one of your posts published in the selected period (e.g. hid it), divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Negative Feedback per post
Available for
Average number of times people took a negative action on one of your posts published in the selected period (e.g. hid it), divided by the number of posts in the selected period.
Likes, comments, shares and link clicks per fan per post
Available for
Average number of "like" reactions, comments, shares and link clicks per fan on your posts published in the selected period of people who have visited your Page, divided by the number of posts in the selected period.
Likes, comments, shares and link clicks per reached person per post
Available for
Average number of "like" reactions, comments, shares and link clicks per reached person on your posts published in the selected period of people who have visited your Page, divided by the number of posts in the selected period.
Available for
Number of link clicks of your link posts published in the selected period of people who have visited your Page.
Available for
Average number of link clicks of your link posts published in the selected period of people who have visited your Page, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Link clicks per link post
Available for
Average number of link clicks on your posts published in the selected period of people who have visited your Page, divided by the number of link posts in the selected period.
Available for
Average number of link clicks per link post on your posts published in the selected period of people who have visited your Page, divided by the number of reached persons in the selected period.
Picture clicks of picture posts
Available for
Number of picture clicks of your picture posts published in the selected period of people who have visited your Page.
Picture clicks of picture posts per day
Available for
Average number of picture clicks of your picture posts published in the selected period of people who have visited your Page, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Picture clicks per picture post
Available for
Average number of picture, video and link clicks on your posts published in the selected period of people who have visited your Page, divided by the number of picture posts in the selected period.
Available for
Number of picture, video and link clicks on your posts published in the selected period of people who have visited your Page.
Available for
Average number of picture, video and link clicks on your posts published in the selected period of people who have visited your Page, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Picture, video and link clicks per post
Available for
Average number of picture, video and link clicks on your posts published in the selected period of people who have visited your Page, divided by the number of posts in the selected period.
Video clicks of video posts
Available for
Number of video clicks of your video posts published in the selected period of people who have visited your Page.
Video clicks of video posts per day
Available for
Average number of video clicks of your video posts published in the selected period of people who have visited your Page, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Video clicks per video post
Available for
Average number of video clicks on your posts published in the selected period of people who have visited your Page, divided by the number of video posts in the selected period.
Autoplayed video views in period
Available for
Number of times in the selected period your Page’s videos automatically played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Autoplayed video views of at least 30 sec in period
Available for
Number of times in the selected period your Page’s automatically played videos played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 30 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Paid video views in period
Available for
Number of times in the selected period your Page’s promoted videos played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Total video views in period
Available for
Number of times in the selected period your Page’s videos played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Total video views of at least 30 sec in period
Available for
Number of times in the selected period your Page’s videos played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 30 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Unique video views in period
Available for
Number of people in the selected period who viewed your Page’s videos for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Unique video views of at least 30 sec in period
Available for
Number of people in the selected period who viewed your Page’s videos for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 30 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Facebook Videos
10s Total views of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of times your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period played for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 10 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
10s autoplayed views of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of times your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period played automatically for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 10 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
10s clicked to play views of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of times your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period played for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 10 seconds, after people clicked play. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
10s organic views of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of times your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period played for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 10 seconds, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
10s paid views of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of times your promoted Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period played for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 10 seconds. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video.
10s sound on views of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of times your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period played with sound on for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 10 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
10s unique views of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of people who viewed your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 10 seconds.
Autoplayed views of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of times your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period automatically played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Average length viewed of Facebook-Videos (in sec)
Available for
Average time in seconds people viewed your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period. Only available for videos created after August 25th 2016.
Bounce rate of Facebook videos
Available for
Percentage of impressions of Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period that were viewed below 95% of their length in relation to total impressions of videos viewed at least 3 seconds or almost completely if they are shorter than 3 seconds.
Complete organic views of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of times your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period played up to 95%, or more, of their length, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Complete paid views of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of times your promoted Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period played up to 95%, or more, of their length. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Complete unique organic views of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of people who viewed your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period up to 95%, or more, of their length, by organic reach.
Complete unique paid views of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of people who viewed your promoted Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period up to 95%, or more, of their length.
Complete unique views of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of people who viewed your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period up to 95%, or more, of their length, by organic as well as paid reach.
Complete views of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of times your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period played up to 95%, or more, of their length, by organic as well as paid impression. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Available for
Number of your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period.
Number of Angry of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of "angry" reactions on Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period.
Number of Comments of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of comments on your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period.
Number of Haha of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of "haha" reactions on your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period.
Number of Likes of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of "like" reactions on your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period.
Number of Love of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of "love" reactions on your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period.
Number of Reactions of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of reactions on your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period (excluding Reels).
Number of Sad of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of "sorry" reactions on your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period.
Number of Shares of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of shares of your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period.
Number of Thankful of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of "thankful" reactions on your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period.
Number of Wow of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of "wow" reactions on your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period.
Organic views of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of times your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Paid views of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of times your promoted Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Sound on views of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of times your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period played with sound on for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Total Reactions, Comments, Shares of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of reactions, comments and shares of your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period (excluding Reels).
Total length of Facebook-Videos (in sec)
Available for
Length in seconds of your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period.
Total views of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of times your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Unique organic views of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of people who viewed your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds, by organic reach.
Unique paid views of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of people who viewed your promoted Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds.
Unique views of Facebook-Videos
Available for
Number of people who viewed your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds.
View time of Facebook-Video (in sec)
Available for
Total time in seconds your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period played, including videos played for less than 3 seconds and replays.
View time organic of Facebook-Video (in sec)
Available for
Total time in seconds your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period played by organic reach.
Facebook Reels
10s Total views of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of times your Facebook Reels published in the selected period played for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 10 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
10s autoplayed views of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of times your Facebook Reels published in the selected period played automatically for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 10 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
10s clicked to play views of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of times your Facebook Reels published in the selected period played for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 10 seconds, after people clicked play. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
10s organic views of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of times your Facebook Reels published in the selected period played for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 10 seconds, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
10s paid views of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of times your promoted Facebook Reels published in the selected period played for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 10 seconds. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video.
10s sound on views of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of times your Facebook Reels published in the selected period played with sound on for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 10 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
10s unique views of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of people who viewed your Facebook Reels published in the selected period for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 10 seconds.
Autoplayed views of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of times your Facebook Reels published in the selected period automatically played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Average length viewed of Facebook Reels (in sec)
Available for
Average time in seconds people viewed your Facebook videos published in the selected period. Only available for videos created after August 25th 2016.
Bounce rate of Facebook Reels
Available for
Percentage of impressions of Facebook Reels published in the selected period that were viewed below 95% of their length in relation to total impressions of videos viewed at least 3 seconds or almost completely if they are shorter than 3 seconds.
Complete organic views of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of times your Facebook Reels published in the selected period played up to 95%, or more, of their length, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Complete paid views of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of times your promoted Facebook Reels published in the selected period played up to 95%, or more, of their length. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Complete unique organic views of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of people who viewed your Facebook Reels published in the selected period up to 95%, or more, of their length, by organic reach.
Complete unique paid views of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of people who viewed your promoted Facebook Reels published in the selected period up to 95%, or more, of their length.
Complete unique views of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of people who viewed your Facebook Reels published in the selected period up to 95%, or more, of their length, by organic as well as paid reach.
Complete views of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of times your Facebook Reels published in the selected period played up to 95%, or more, of their length, by organic as well as paid impression. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of your Facebook Reels published in the selected period.
Number of Reactions of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of reactions on your Facebook videos (excluding Reels) published in the selected period.
Organic views of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of times your Facebook Reels published in the selected period played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Paid views of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of times your promoted Facebook Reels published in the selected period played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Sound on views of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of times your Facebook Reels published in the selected period played with sound on for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Total Reactions, Comments, Shares of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of reactions, comments and shares of your Facebook Reels published in the selected period.
Total length of Facebook Reels (in sec)
Available for
Length in seconds of your Facebook Reels published in the selected period.
Total views of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of times your Facebook Reels published in the selected period played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.
Unique organic views of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of people who viewed your Facebook Reels published in the selected period for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds, by organic reach.
Unique paid views of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of people who viewed your promoted Facebook Reels published in the selected period for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds.
Unique views of Facebook Reels
Available for
Number of people who viewed your Facebook Reels videos published in the selected period for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds.
View time of Facebook Reel (in sec)
Available for
Total time in seconds your Facebook Reels published in the selected period played, including videos played for less than 3 seconds and replays.
View time organic of Facebook Reel (in sec)
Available for
Total time in seconds your Facebook Reels published in the selected period played by organic reach.
IGTV-Post/Post ratio
Available for
Ratio between igtv posts and posts published in the selected period.
Available for
Number of carousel-posts published in selected time period.
Number of IGTV Posts
Available for
Number of IGTV posts published in selected time period.
Number of Picture-Posts
Available for
Number of picture-posts published in selected time period.
Number of Video-Posts
Available for
Number of video-posts published in selected time period.
Comments (paid)
Available for
Number of paid comments on posts published in the selected period.
This metric includes comments that were not created during a paid placement if they are responses to comments from paid placements. For this reason, this metric may differ from the number of comments in the reporting of ad accounts.
Comments (total)
Available for
Number of organic and paid comments on posts published in the selected period.
Comments and Likes (paid)
Available for
Number of paid likes and paid comments on posts published in the selected period.
This metric includes comments that were not created during a paid placement if they are responses to comments from paid placements. For this reason, this metric may differ from the number of comments in the reporting of ad accounts.
Comments and Likes (total)
Available for
Number of organic and paid likes & organic and paid comments on posts published in the selected period.
Comments per post (organic)
Available for
Average number of organic comments on posts published in the selected period, divided by the number of posts in the selected period.
Comments per post (paid)
Available for
Average number of paid comments on posts published in the selected period, divided by the number of posts in the selected period.
This metric includes comments that were not created during a paid placement if they are responses to comments from paid placements. For this reason, this metric may differ from the number of comments in the reporting of ad accounts.
Comments per post (total)
Available for
Average number of organic and paid comments on posts published in the selected period, divided by the number of posts in the selected period.
Engagement (paid)
Available for
Average number of paid likes and comments per day on posts of a day in relation to the number of followers of the same day in the selected period.
Engagement (total)
Available for
Engagement is the average number of interactions on a profile's posts per follower per day. Engagement shows how successfully a profile encourages users to interact. By dividing by the number of followers, the Engagement becomes independent of the size of the profile. This makes profiles comparable.

For the calculation, add the number of all interactions for each post. Interactions are likes, haha, etc. as well as comments and shares or retweets. For each post, the sum of interactions is divided by the number of followers at the time of the post. Then you add up the values ​​of all posts. Finally, you divide this sum by the number of days in the period.

An example of the calculation:
A profile posts 2 times in 7 days. Once on Monday and receives 50 likes and once on Friday and receives 75 likes. The profile had 100 followers on Monday and 150 followers on Friday.

Engagement for this week (7 days) is calculated as follows:
(50/100 + 75/150) / 7 = 14.2%
In comparison, the post interaction (2 posts) results in:
(50/100 + 75/150) / 2 = 50%

Post-interaction is closely related to Engagement. For Post-Interaction, the number of interactions is also divided by the number of followers, but then divided by the number of posts and not - as with Engagement - per day. Engagement is higher if a profile posts more often. The post interaction shows how successful the posts are on average.
Likes (paid)
Available for
Number of paid likes on posts published in the selected period.
Likes (total)
Available for
Number of organic and paid likes on posts published in the selected period.
Likes per post (organic)
Available for
Average number of organic likes on posts published in the selected period, divided by the number of posts in the selected period.
Likes per post (paid)
Available for
Average number of paid likes on posts published in the selected period, divided by the number of posts in the selected period.
Likes per post (total)
Available for
Average number of organic and paid likes on posts published in the selected period, divided by the number of posts in the selected period.
Number of new followers based on the post
Available for
Number of times Instagram users started following you in the selected time period after viewing a post of yours.
Post Interaction (paid)
Available for
Average number of paid likes and comments per follower on posts published in the selected period, divided by the number of posts in the selected period.
Post Interaction (total)
Available for
Average number of organic and paid likes and comments per follower on posts published in the selected period, divided by the number of posts in the selected period.
Post likes, comments + saves (paid)
Available for
Number of paid likes, paid comments and paid saves on posts published in the selected period. At the moment, Instagram does not allow to fetch paid insights metrics for organic Reels or organic Carousels used in Ads, therefore the paid value for Reels and Carousels is not included here.

This metric corresponds to the old Insights "Engagement" metric, which does not take Shares into account. We recommend using the new Insights metric "Post/Reel total interaction (paid)" instead.
Post profile activity (Total)
Available for
The total number of actions on your profile after users have interacted with a post.
Post profile activity (bio link clicked)
Available for
The total number of clicks on the bio link in your profile after users have interacted with a post.
Post profile activity (call)
Available for
The total number of calls from your profile after users have interacted with a post.
Post profile activity (direction)
Available for
The total number of card views on your profile after users have interacted with a post.
Post profile activity (email)
Available for
The total number of emails from your profile after users have interacted with a post.
Post profile activity (other)
Available for
The total number of other interactions with your profile after users have interacted with a post.
Post profile activity (text)
Available for
The total number of text messages on your profile after users have interacted with a post.
Post saved (paid)
Available for
Number of paid saves on posts published in the selected period. At the moment, Instagram does not allow to fetch paid insights metrics for organic Reels or organic Carousels used in Ads, therefore the paid value for Reels and Carousels is not included here.
Post/Reel likes, comments + saves (organic)
Available for
Number of organic likes, organic comments and organic saves on posts/reels published in the selected period.

This metric corresponds to the old Insights "Engagement" metric, which does not take Shares into account. We recommend using the new Insights metric "Post/Reel total interaction (organic)" instead.
Post/Reel likes, comments + saves (total)
Available for
Number of organic and paid likes, organic and paid comments & organic and paid saves on posts published in the selected period. At the moment, Instagram does not allow to fetch paid insights metrics for organic Reels or organic Carousels used in Ads, therefore the paid value for Reels and Carousels is not included here.

This metric corresponds to the old Insights "Engagement" metric, which does not take Shares into account. We recommend using the new Insights metric "Post/Reel total interaction (total)" instead.
Post/Reel saved (organic)
Available for
Number of organic saves on posts published in the selected period.
Post/Reel saved (total)
Available for
Number of organic and paid saves on posts published in the selected period. At the moment, Instagram does not allow to fetch paid insights metrics for organic Reels or organic Carousels used in Ads, therefore the paid value for Reels and Carousels is not included here.
Post/Reel total interaction (organic)
Available for
Number of likes, comments, saves and shares, minus the number of unlikes, unsaves, and deleted comments on your Reels published in the selected period while beeing shown organically.
Reel shares (organic)
Available for
Number of times your Reels published in the selected period were shared while beeing shown organically.
Follower Growth per day (absolute)
Available for
Difference between the number of followers on the first and the last day of the selected period as an average value per day.
Follower Growth since starting point (in %)
Available for
Percentage growth of followers between the first and last day of the selected period. Reflects the difference from the first day of the selected period for each day in the history graph.
Daily Reach (AR Effect)
Available for
Number of people in the selected period who had a AR effect of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (AR Effect, Follower)
Available for
Number of follower in the selected period who had a AR effect of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (AR Effect, Non-Follower)
Available for
Number of non-follower in the selected period who had a AR effect of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (AR Effect, Unknown)
Available for
Number of people with unknown follower state in the selected period who had a AR effect of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Ad)
Available for
Number of people in the selected period who had a ad media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Ad, Follower)
Available for
Number of follower in the selected period who had a ad media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Ad, Non-Follower)
Available for
Number of non-follower in the selected period who had a ad media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Ad, unknown)
Available for
Number of people with unknown follower state in the selected period who had a ad media of your profile enter their screen.
Available for
Number of people in the selected period who had a carousel media of your profile enter their screen.
Available for
Number of follower in the selected period who had a carousel media of your profile enter their screen.
Available for
Number of non-follower in the selected period who had a carousel media of your profile enter their screen.
Available for
Number of people with unknown follower state in the selected period who had a carousel media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Follower)
Available for
Number of follower in the selected period who had any media of your profile including ad activity enter their screen.
Daily Reach (IGTV)
Available for
Number of people in the selected period who had a IGTV media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (IGTV, Follower)
Available for
Number of follower in the selected period who had a IGTV media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (IGTV, Non-Follower)
Available for
Number of non-follower in the selected period who had a IGTV media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (IGTV, unknown)
Available for
Number of people with unknown follower state in the selected period who had a IGTV media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Live)
Available for
Number of people in the selected period who had a Live media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Live, Follower)
Available for
Number of follower in the selected period who had a Live media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Live, Non-Follower)
Available for
Number of non-follower in the selected period who had a Live media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Live, Unknown)
Available for
Number of people with unknown follower state in the selected period who had a Live media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Non-Follower)
Available for
Number of non-follower in the selected period who had any media of your profile including ad activity enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Post)
Available for
Number of people in the selected period who had a post media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Post, Follower)
Available for
Number of follower in the selected period who had a post media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Post, Non-Follower)
Available for
Number of non-follower in the selected period who had a post media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Post, unknown)
Available for
Number of people with unknown follower state in the selected period who had a post media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Reel)
Available for
Number of people in the selected period who had a reel media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Reel, Follower)
Available for
Number of follower in the selected period who had a reel media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Reel, Non-Follower)
Available for
Number of non-follower in the selected period who had a reel media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Reel, unknown)
Available for
Number of people with unknown follower state in the selected period who had a reel media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Story)
Available for
Number of people in the selected period who had a story media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Story, Follower)
Available for
Number of follower in the selected period who had a story media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Story, Non-Follower)
Available for
Number of non-follower in the selected period who had a story media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (Story, unknown)
Available for
Number of people with unknown follower state in the selected period who had a story media of your profile enter their screen.
Daily Reach (unknown follower)
Available for
Number of people with unknown follower state in the selected period who had any media of your profile including ad activity enter their screen.
Daily comments
Available for
Number of comments on your posts, reels, videos and live videos in the selected period.
Daily likes
Available for
Number of likes on your posts, reels, and videos in the selected period.
Daily replies
Available for
Number of replies you received from your story, including text replies and quick reaction replies in the selected period.
Daily saves
Available for
Number of saves on your posts, reels, and video in the selected period.
Daily shares
Available for
Number of saves of your posts, stories, reels, videos and live videos in the selected period.
Email contacts
Available for
Number of clicks in the selected period on the "Email" button.
Available for
Ratio between people who follow the profile to people who the profile follows of the last day of the selected period.
Available for
Number of profiles followed by the profile from the last day of the selected period.
Get directions click
Available for
Number of clicks in the selected period on the "Directions" button.
Phone call clicks
Available for
Number of clicks in the selected period on the "Call" button.
Text message clicks
Available for
Number of clicks in the selected period on the "Message" button.
Total interactions
Available for
The total number of post interactions, story interactions, reels interactions, video interactions and live video interactions, including any interactions on boosted content.
Total interactions (AR effect)
Available for
The total number of interactions on AR effects. Interactions can include actions such as likes, saves, comments, shares or replies.
Total interactions (Ad)
Available for
The total number of interactions on ads. Interactions can include actions such as likes, saves, comments, shares or replies.
Available for
The total number of interactions on carousels. Interactions can include actions such as likes, saves, comments, shares or replies.
Total interactions (IGTV)
Available for
The total number of interactions on IGTV posts. Interactions can include actions such as likes, saves, comments, shares or replies.
Total interactions (Live)
Available for
The total number of interactions on live videos. Interactions can include actions such as likes, saves, comments, shares or replies.
Total interactions (Post)
Available for
The total number of interactions on posts. Interactions can include actions such as likes, saves, comments, shares or replies.
Total interactions (Reel)
Available for
The total number of interactions on reels. Interactions can include actions such as likes, saves, comments, shares or replies.
Total interactions (Story)
Available for
The total number of interactions on stories. Interactions can include actions such as likes, saves, comments, shares or replies.
Website clicks
Available for
Number of clicks in the selected period on the "Website" button.
Reach / Impressions
Post video views (paid)
Available for
Number of times through paid distribution your videos published in the selected period played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video. At the moment, Instagram does not allow to fetch paid insights metrics for organic Reels used in Ads, therefore the paid value for Reels is not included here.
Post video views / Reel plays (organic)
Available for
Number of times through organic distribution your videos/reels published in the selected period played. For reels, this is defined as video sessions with 1 ms or more of playback and excludes replays.
Post video views / Reel plays (total)
Available for
Number of times through organic and paid distribution your videos published in the selected period played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video. For reels, this is defined as video sessions with 1 ms or more of playback and excludes replays. At the moment, Instagram does not allow to fetch paid insights metrics for organic Reels used in Ads, therefore the paid value for Reels is not included here.
Profile visits based on the post
Available for
Number of times Instagram users viewed your profile in the selected time period after viewing a post of yours.
Reels average watch time (organic)
Available for
Reels Average Watch Time
Reels initial plays (organic)
Available for
Number of times your Reels published in the selected period started to play after an impression is already counted while beeing shown organically. This is defined as video sessions with 1 ms or more of playback and excludes replays.
Reels replays (organic)
Available for
The number of times your reel starts to play again after an initial play of your reel. This is defined as replays of 1ms or more in the same reel session.
Reels total plays (organic)
Available for
The number of times your reel starts to play or replay after an impression is already counted. This is defined as plays of 1ms or more. Replays are counted after the initial play in the same reel session.
Reels view total time (organic)
Available for
Reels View Total Time
Number of Stories
Available for
Number of stories published in the selected period.
Number of new followers based on the story
Available for
Number of times Instagram users started following you in the selected time period after viewing a Story of yours.
Profile visits based on the story
Available for
Number of times Instagram users viewed your profile in the selected time period after viewing a Story of yours.
Story automatic forward
Available for
That's how many times your stories published in the selected time period were automatically skipped.
Story exits
Available for
Number of times stories published in the selected period entered a person's screen and got closed.
Story impressions
Available for
Number of times stories published in the selected period entered a person's screen.
Story profile activity (bio link clicked)
Available for
The total number of clicks on the bio link in your profile after users have interacted with a story.
Story profile activity (call)
Available for
The total number of calls from your profile after users have interacted with a story.
Story profile activity (direction)
Available for
The total number of card views across your profile after users have interacted with a story.
Story profile activity (email)
Available for
The total number of emails from your profile after users have interacted with a story.
Story profile activity (other)
Available for
The total number of other interactions with your profile after users have interacted with a story.
Story profile activity (text)
Available for
The total number of text messages on your profile after users have interacted with a story.
Story profile activity (total)
Available for
The total number of actions on your profile after users have interacted with a story.
Story reach
Available for
Number of people who had stories published in the selected period enter their screen.
Story replies
Available for
Number of replies on stories published in the selected period.
Story shares
Available for
Number of shares on stories published in the selected time period.
Story swipe back
Available for
That's how many times your stories published in the selected time period were swiped back.
Story swipe down
Available for
That's how many times your stories published in the selected time period were swiped down.
Story swipe forward
Available for
That's how many times your stories published in the selected time period were swiped forward.
Story swipe up
Available for
That's how many times your stories published in the selected time period were swiped up.
Story taps back
Available for
Number of go backs of stories published in the selected period.
Story taps forward
Available for
Number of skips of stories published in the selected period.
Story total interaction
Available for
Number of likes, saves, comments, and shares excluding unlikes, unsaves, and deleted comments on stories published in the selected time period.
Average Comments
Available for
Average number of comments on posts published in the selected period.
Average Likes
Available for
Average number of "like" reactions on posts published in the selected period.
Average Post-Impressions
Available for
Average number of impressions on posts published in the selected period.
Average Quotes
Available for
Average number of quotes of posts published in the selected period.
Average Reposts
Available for
Average number of reposts of posts published in the selected period.
Number of Quotes
Available for
Number of quotes of posts published in the selected period.
Number of Reposts
Available for
Number of reposts of posts published in the selected period.
Follower Growth per day (absolute)
Available for
Difference between the number of followers on the first and the last day of the selected period as an average value per day.
Follower Growth since starting point (in %)
Available for
Percentage growth of followers between the first and last day of the selected period. Reflects the difference from the first day of the selected period for each day in the history graph.
Total comments
Available for
This is the total number of comments for all posts on a profile.
Total comments in selected time period
Available for
This is the number of comments in the selected period for all posts on a profile.
Total likes
Available for
This is the total number of likes for all posts on a profile.
Total likes in selected time period
Available for
This is the number of likes in the selected period for all posts on a profile.
Total quotes
Available for
This is the total number of quotes for all posts on a profile.
Total quotes in selected time period
Available for
This is the number of quotes in the selected period for all posts on a profile.
Available for
Determined by the ratio of @-reply tweets to all tweets published in the selected period interacting with other Twitter profiles.
Available for
Number of Retweets published by the profile in the selected period, divided by the number of days in the selected period.
Tweets excluding retweets
Available for
Number of tweets excluding retweets published in the selected period. This includes quote tweets and replies/mentions.
Tweets/day excluding retweets
Available for
Average number of tweets per day excluding retweets published in the selected period. This includes quote tweets and replies/mentions.
Likes (organic)
Available for
Number of likes received on Tweets published in the selected period while beeing shown organically.
Likes (paid)
Available for
Number of Likes received on Tweets published in the selected period while being promoted.
Number of likes per tweet
Available for
Average number of Likes per day on tweets published in the selected period.
Available for
Number of times Tweets published in the selected period have been retweeted with a comment (also known as Quote).
Replies (organic)
Available for
Number of replies Tweets published in the selected period have received while beeing shown organically.
Replies (paid)
Available for
Number of Replies to Tweets published in the selected period while being promoted.
Available for
Number of Retweets (without comments) of Tweets published in the selected period.
Retweets (organic)
Available for
Number of times Tweets published in the selected period have been Retweeted while beeing shown organically.
Retweets (paid)
Available for
Number of times Tweets published in the selected period have been Retweeted while being promoted.
Retweets per tweet
Available for
Average number of Retweets published by the profile in the selected period, divided by the number of tweets in the selected period.
URL Link Clicks
Available for
Number of times a user clicks on a URL link or URL preview card on Tweets published in the selected period.
URL Link Clicks (organic)
Available for
Number of times a user clicks on a URL link or URL preview card on Tweets published in the selected period while beeing shown organically.
URL Link Clicks (paid)
Available for
Number of times a user clicks on a URL link or URL preview card on Tweets published in the selected period while being promoted.
User Profil Clicks
Available for
Number of times a user clicks display name, user name or profile picture on Tweets published in the selected period.
User Profil Clicks (organic)
Available for
Number of times a user clicks display name, user name or profile picture on Tweets published in the selected period while beeing shown organically.
User Profil Clicks (paid)
Available for
Number of times a user clicks display name, user name or profile picture on Tweets published in the selected period while being promoted.
Follower Growth per day (absolute)
Available for
Difference between the number of followers on the first and the last day of the selected period as an average value per day.
Follower Growth since starting point (in %)
Available for
Percentage growth of followers between the first and last day of the selected period. Reflects the difference from the first day of the selected period for each day in the history graph.
Available for
Number of profiles followed by the profile from the last day of the selected period.
Available for
Number of lists that include this user.
Overall Tweets
Available for
Overall number of Tweets (including Retweets) by this profile which currently exists on Twitter.
Shorts: Number of videos
Available for
Number of Shorts published in selected time period.
Total number of videos
Available for
Total number of public videos on account.
Videos: Number of videos
Available for
Number of Videos published in selected time period.
Average Comments
Available for
Average number of comments on Videos and Shorts published in the selected period, divided by the number of Videos and Shorts in the selected period.
Average Dislikes
Available for
Average number of dislikes on Videos and Shorts published in the selected period, divided by the number of Videos and Shorts in the selected period.
Average Likes
Available for
Average number of likes on Videos and Shorts published in the selected period, divided by the number of Videos and Shorts in the selected period.
Average Likes / Dislikes ratio
Available for
Ratio between likes and dislikes on whole YouTube channel per day.
Daily engagement rate
Available for
This metric helps you understand how much your subscribers are interacting with your YouTube channel. All likes/dislikes, shares, and comments for all videos in a day are taken into account and put in relation to the number of subscribers.
Daily engagement rate views
Available for
This metric shows how often viewers interact with your videos. All likes/dislikes, shares, and comments for all videos in a day are taken into account and compared to all views in the same day.

If you publish videos frequently, this metric is highly recommended.
Likes / Dislikes ratio
Available for
Ratio between likes and dislikes on Videos and Shorts published in the selected period.
Shorts: Average Comments
Available for
Average number of comments on Shorts published in the selected period, divided by the number of Shorts in the selected period.
Shorts: Average Dislikes
Available for
Average number of dislikes on Shorts published in the selected period, divided by the number of Shorts in the selected period.
Shorts: Average Likes
Available for
Average number of likes on Shorts published in the selected period, divided by the number of Shorts in the selected period.
Shorts: Interactions per impression
Available for
Average number of "likes", "dislikes" and "comments" per Shorts for the Shorts of one day in relation to the number of followers on the same day in the selected period.
Shorts: Likes / Dislikes ratio
Available for
Ratio between likes and dislikes on Shorts published in the selected period.
Shorts: Total Comments
Available for
Number of comments on Shorts published in the selected period.
Shorts: Total Dislikes
Available for
Number of dislikes on Shorts published in the selected period.
Shorts: Total Likes
Available for
Number of likes on Shorts published in the selected period.
Shorts: Total Reactions, Comments, Shares
Available for
Number of likes, dislikes and comments on Shorts published in the selected period.
Total Dislikes
Available for
Number of dislikes on Videos and Shorts published in the selected period.
Total number comments per day
Available for
This is the total number of comments made across all videos on a YouTube channel in one day.
Total number dislikes per day
Available for
This is the total number of negative ratings given per day for all videos on your YouTube channel.
Total number likes per day
Available for
This is the total number of positive ratings given per day for all videos on your YouTube channel.
Total number shares per day
Available for
This is the total number of times per day that YouTube channel videos were shared by users.
Videos: Average Comments
Available for
Average number of comments on Videos published in the selected period, divided by the number of Videos in the selected period.
Videos: Average Dislikes
Available for
Average number of dislikes on Videos published in the selected period, divided by the number of Videos in the selected period.
Videos: Average Likes
Available for
Average number of likes on Videos published in the selected period, divided by the number of Videos in the selected period.
Videos: Interactions per impression
Available for
Average number of "likes", "dislikes" and "comments" per Video for the Videos of one day in relation to the number of followers on the same day in the selected period.
Videos: Likes / Dislikes ratio
Available for
Ratio between likes and dislikes on Videos published in the selected period.
Videos: Total Comments
Available for
Number of comments on Videos published in the selected period.
Videos: Total Dislikes
Available for
Number of dislikes on Videos published in the selected period.
Videos: Total Likes
Available for
Number of likes on Videos published in the selected period.
Videos: Total Reactions, Comments, Shares
Available for
Number of likes, dislikes and comments on Videos published in the selected period.
Channel Views Growth (absolute)
Available for
Difference in number of channel views between the first and last day of the selected period.
Follower Growth per day (absolute)
Available for
Difference between the number of subscribers on the first and the last day of the selected period as an average value per day.
Follower Growth since starting point (in %)
Available for
Percentage growth of subscribers between the first and last day of the selected period. Reflects the difference from the first day of the selected period for each day in the history graph.
Reach / Impressions
Shorts: Average views
Available for
Average number of times your Shorts published in the selected period were viewed.
Shorts: Number of total Video Views
Available for
Number of views of Shorts published in the selected period.
Total number of channel views
Available for
Number of times your channel was viewed in total.
Total number views per day
Available for
The total number of views per day for all videos on your YouTube channel.
Videos: Average views
Available for
Average number of times your Videos published in the selected period were viewed.
Videos: Number of total Video Views
Available for
Number of views of Videos published in the selected period.
Views per Video
Available for
Average number of times your Videos and Shorts published in the selected period were viewed.
Average view duration (in sec)
Available for
The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks across the YouTube channel per day.
Estimated minutes watched
Available for
The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel per day.
Clicks on Posts of time period (organic)
Available for
Number of organic clicks on posts published in the selected period.
Comments on Posts of time period (organic)
Available for
Number of organic comments on posts published in the selected period.
Engagement on Posts of time period (organic)
Available for
Number of organic clicks, likes, comments, and shares over impressions on posts published in the selected period. This metrric is according to the definition of engagment by LinkedIn.
Impressions on Posts of time period (organic)
Available for
Number of organic impressions on posts published in the selected period.
Likes on Posts of time period (organic)
Available for
Number of organic likes on posts published in the selected period.
Shares on Posts of time period (organic)
Available for
Number of organic shares on posts published in the selected period.
Unique Impressions on Posts of time period (organic)
Available for
Number of organic unique impressions on posts published in the selected period. Impressions are unique qith reagard to the single post, they are not necessarily unique they are not necessarily unique across multiple posts.
Comments per post of time period
Available for
Average number of comments on status updates published in the selected period, divided by the number of status updates in the selected period.
Likes per post of time period
Available for
Average number of likes on status updates published in the selected period, divided by the number of status updates in the selected period.
Follower Growth since starting point (in %)
Available for
Percentage growth of followers between the first and last day of the selected period. Reflects the difference from the first day of the selected period for each day in the history graph.
New Follower
Available for
Accretion of new people who started to follow the profile in the selected period.
New Follower (organic)
Available for